Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fri 2.3.12

Not much more that I can say, that hasn't already been said about today's HUGE jobs number. The Consensus was around 100k, and the highest estimate was 225k, so today's 243k number really was a welcome surprise to the markets and to the rally we are enjoying. Furthermore, the market has priced in more of a recession for Europe (and in particular, Western Europe) then what is currently playing out. And, all the big global companies, such as UPS/Fed Ex and Caterpillar, are all coming in with higher, revised guidance on 2012, and ramping up their investments. So, I would look for continued strength in the equity market, and not pay too much attention to the "As the World Turns" (also known as the PIIGS countries), and enjoy this rally.

To me, this is a similar feeling to how I felt after watching Alabama beat Clemson in the Georgia dome in Saban's 2nd year. For years, beginning with Dubose and ending with Shula, it became second nature to be pessimistic, and to believe that our glory days would never resurface. But, after watching Alabama come out and just completely pummel a soft ACC Clemson team, I started to realize that give it some time, and Alabama would be back on top.....having that same feeling from now with the US economy

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